Hello. I’m Ana Savic. I am twelve years old. I live in Popovac, I am in the 6th grade. My best friend’s name is Sofija and we’ve been friends for seven years.
My favourite animals are horses, dogs and parrots. I have got two parrots, they are called Pipi and Cile. Both are very dreamy and funny. Pipi is green and Cile is white and blue.
My favourite sport is basketball. I have been training basketball for four months. I practice three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Ana Savic 6/1

Hello, my name is Sophie! I’m 12 years old and I play volleyball. I’m in the 6th grade and I love listening to music.
My favourite type of music is rock. I have three pets! Two dogs and one parrot. His name is Jimmy and my dogs names’ are Lucy and Leah. My favourite colour is blue and purple.
Sofija Jevtic 6/1

My name’s Sara. I am a good person. I have a lot of friends. My best friend is Julija Nikodijevic. We are responsible girls. I like carrots and sweets, but I don’t like broccoli and onions. I like helping others. I have a dog. He’s got brown eyes and I love him. I am happy. I have two brothers and one sister. My sister’s name is Vanja and my brothers’ names are Mihajlo and Djordje. I go to school by bus. I love going to school. I am tall. I have brown eyes and brown hair. I am content with my life.
Sara Radovanovic 6/1

My name is Julija. I am twelve years old. I have two sisters, Jasna and Jelena. Jasna is twenty-six and Jelena is twenty-four. My favourite animal is horse. I have a pet – a dog named Benny. My favourite subject is IT.
Julija Nikodijevic 6/1

I’m Anja and I’m 12 years old. I have an older brother. He is in the third year of high school. In my free time, I like to read and draw. My favourite food is French fries. I don’t like to eat onions and meat. My best friend is Jelisaveta and we’ve been friends for seven years.
Anja Miletic 6/1

I am Jelisaveta and I am twelve years old. I like playing football. My best friend’s name is Anja and we’ve been friends for seven years. My favourite food is fish, and I don’t like to eat potatoes. I have a brother named Dusan and a sister named Milica.
Jelisaveta Milenkovic 6/1

Hi, my name is Milica and I’m eleven. I have two sisters, two cats, one dog, and, of course, my mum and dad! My older sisters and I like to draw in our free time. I learned to draw from my older sister, Andjelija. My hobbies are drawing and painting. Although I don’t like painting, I still try to learn to enjoy it. I also love playing with my pets in my free time. I also really like to hang out with my friends. We always have so much fun together!
Milica Milojkovic 5/1

Hi! My name is Jovana. I’m from Zabrega. I’m going to the fifth grade. I have a sister and a brother, they are older than me. I also have two dogs named Meda and Max. My favourite colour is green. My best friend is Mateja. I have four best friends, they are: Katarina, Tamara, Milica and Milica. My favourite fruit is peach, and my favourite food is chips. I am eleven years old. My favourite places are mountains and forests. My favourite country is Russia. I like to watch series and movies. My favourite sport games are football and volleyball.
Jovana Stojanovic 5/1

My name is Djordje. I’m eleven years old. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I like to play games and ride a bike. I also love to play football with my friends. I go to school and I’m in the fifth grade. I have a sister, her name is Katarina. My favourite colour is blue and my favourite animal is a dog. I have a dog and he name is Maza. My best friend is Mihajlo.
Djordje Lukic 5/1

Hello. My name is Nadja. I’m ten years old and I’m in the fifth grade. I have blond hair and brown eyes. I am a very careful and sensitive girl.
I like to help others and I’m sociable. I love animals best, and my favourite animal is a dog. At home I have two dogs, Arif and Beba. I spend my free time with them. Arif is white with yellow spots, he has long ears and a black snout, and Beba is white and has a black snout. These are my pets.
Nadja Tomic 5/1

My name is Tamara. I’m eleven years old. I am going to the fifth grade in school in Popovac. My favourite colours are red and purple. My favourite animals are horse, dog and cat. I have a sister. Her name is Teodora. I have three best friends: Milica, Katarina and Jovana. My favourite subjects at school are English, Maths and Geography. In my free time I like reading books or spending time on my phone. I have two pets, they are dogs Caesar and Lea. I like to play with my friends the most and we usually play with the ball.
Tamara Milosevic 5/1

Hello, my name is Mateja. I live in Zabrega. I am eleven years old and I’m a fifth grade pupil. I love all sports but my favourite is football. When I grow up, I would like to become a goalkeeper. My hobby is collecting pictures of football players. My friends and I like to walk in the woods and explore some new parts of the forests.
Mateja Matic 5/1

My name is Aleksa Rajic. I’m ten years old and I live in Bosnjane. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I’m going to school ,,Branko Radicevic’’ in Popovac. I’m in the fifth grade. My favourite animal is a dog. I have a dog named Riki. My other pet is Meca. He is my favourite pet.
Aleksa Rajic 5/1

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